Lizzie Thorman Hays
(photo ca 1860-70)
1841 - born in Cleveland
Daughter of Simpson and Regina Klein Thorman
A founder of the Jewish Orphan Asylum
Member of Council of Jewish Women.
Kaufman Hays,
(photo ca 1860-70)
"Born in Hesse-Darmstadt, came to Cleveland
1852... He started out as a clerk in a
clothing store but turned to peddling as a
quicker means of accumulating capital. Hays
succeeded in the clothing business and then
turned to banking. He was an organizer of
the First National Bank ... and later
acquired the Cleveland Worsted Mills." (MT)
Vice president of Cleveland City Council
City treasurer.
President of Tifereth Israel 1867-71.
Married in 1861, the couple had four daughters: Frances (married
Rabbi Moses Gries),
Belle (married Martin Marks),
Rolinda (next
page) and Nettie |