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Cleveland Jewish News Digital Archive
A Virtual Treasure

At the September 14, 2014 celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Cleveland Jewish News it was announced that the Jewish Independent and the Jewish Review & Observer will be added to its digital archive.  Thank you CJN Foundation. 

Early in 2015, the CJN Digital Archive added its predecessor publications:

1889 - 1899 The Hebrew Observer
1893 - 1889 The Jewish Review     
1906 - 1964 The Jewish Independent
1906 - 1964 The Jewish Review and Observer
1908 - 1952 The Jewish World (die Yiddishe Velt)

The July 2, 2015 Jewish News announced free access to the archive, except for the most recent issues. Read the story.

Our Cleveland Jewish News weekly newspaper began to publish in 1964. Thankfully it is still a weekly print publication, with an online version also. (Sad to say, the Jewish papers in many cities no longer publish weekly or are online only.)

Before the Cleveland Jewish News went online, you could read recent issues in a neighborhood library (if you lived in a Jewish neighborhood) and issues from way back in a central library. More recently you could search back a few years by using the search on its website Home page  

And you could always read microfilm at the Western Reserve Historical Society in University Circle, paying to park, paying a membership fee or admission charge, and then cranking through reels of film which did not include recent years.

But on July 2, 2010 the CJN Digital Archive went online.

Now your internet-connected device - computer, tablet or smart phone - can access the Digital Archive for all issues including the most recent, perhaps half a million items. Searching can be as simple as Googling, or you can use advanced features (see below) to find what you want. A search that could have taken days using microfilm can be done in minutes! You can read old issues and build your own collection of links to clippings.

Try it. It's easy to use, powerful and low cost. If you are already a CJN subscriber, you can use the Digital Archive for pennies a month. Cardholders of the Cuyahoga County and the Cleveland public libraries can also use the Digital Archive online through the library's website. (The libraries pay CJN a fee for this access.) 

All of us who want to look back at Cleveland Jewish history are indebted to the CJN Foundation and its supporters for creating this new community asset.

Arnold Berger, editor


* advanced features include logical operators AND OR and NOT, wild cards (example  mov* will find move, moving, etc), proximity searches (word1 within N words of word2), date ranges and more.

Disclosure: I was a beta tester of the archive and for a year wrote a weekly CJN column "From the Archive."

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