Editor Daniel Jeremy
Board of Editors
B. Freehof
Daniel Jeremy Silver
Solomon Zeitlin
Published by MacMillan
In January 1963, Rabbi Abba Hillel
Silver's 70th birthday, a collection of essays in his honor was
published. A magnificent tribute, the 460 page book, in its
slipcover, was a
Festschrift, an edited volume containing contributions from the
honoree's colleagues and friends. |
David Ben Gurion Prime Minister, The State of Israel
Izhak Ben-Zvi President, The State of Israel
Moshe Davis Provost, The Jewish Theological Seminary of America
Abba Eban President, The Weizmann Institute of Science
Morton Scott Enslin Professor of Biblical Languages and
Literature, St. Lawrence University
Walter J. Fischel Professor of Semitic Languages and Literature,
University of California
Solomon B. Freehof Rabbi, Rodef Shalom Temple, Pittsburgh
Nelson Glueck President, The Hebrew Union College
Robert Gordis Rabbi, Seminary Professor of Bible, Jewish
Theological Seminary of America
Miriam Leikind Librarian, The Temple, Cleveland
Walter Clay Lowdermilk Sometime Professor of Agricultural
Engineering, The Technion
Harold P. Manson Executive, American Friends of the Hebrew
Jacob Rader Marcus Adolph S. Ochs Professor of Jewish History, The
Hebrew Union College
Benjamin Mazar President Emeritus, The Hebrew University
Emanuel Neumann Chairman, American Branch, Inc., Jewish Agency for
Harry M. Orlinsky Professor of Bible, The Hebrew Union College
Raphael Patai Director of Research, The Theodor Herzl Institute
Oskar K. Rabinowicz Banker and Author
Ellis Rivkin Professor of Jewish History, The Hebrew Union College
Samuel Sandmel Professor of Bible and Hellenistic Literature, The
Hebrew Union College
Gershom Scholem Professor of Jewish Mysticism, The Hebrew
Moshe Sharett Chairman, Jewish Agency for Israel
Zalman Shazar Head, Department of Education and Culture in the
Diaspora, The Jewish Agency
Daniel Jeremy Silver Rabbi, The Temple, Cleveland
Naphtali Herz Tur-Sinai Bialik Professor of Hebrew Philosophy,
Emeritus, The Hebrew University
Solomon Zeitlin Horace Stern Professor of Rabbinic Law and Lore,
The Dropsie College |